What does K mean in gold?

Posted by Lana Gevorkian on

At Misc. Jewellery, you will find jewellery available in several different gold karats such as, 10k, 14k, and 18k. On this blog post, we aim to help you understand what this means, so you can choose the appropriate karat for your jewellery. 

Pure Gold

Purity – which is expressed in karats is the most common metric used to refer to gold jewellery. The "Karat" is the unit we use to measure how much Gold is in a ring or a piece of jewelry relative to the other metals that are present. A higher Karat means more Gold in your jewelry. 

what does 14k mean in gold?

Gold is mixed with other metals to make jewellery

Interestingly, the gold used for jewellery isn’t actually pure gold — instead, it’s always a mix of gold and other metals. In its purest form, gold is far too soft and malleable. 

Higher karat means greater percentage of gold

how much gold is in 10k

So which karat should I pick? 

10K, 14k, and 18k gold each have their own advantages and disadvantages, ranging from durability and cost to purity and appearance. Click here to learn about how karats affect your gold jewellery.

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  • what does it mean if my gold ring has a 211k written on it?

    nana on
  • very useful article

    Dishis Designer Jewellery on
  • Karat is a measurement of the ratio of gold to other metals or alloys. Karats are measured on a scale from 0 to 24. https://www.facebook.com/erijewelry/

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